1. Zhou, L., Lv, X., Zhou, Y., Li, J., Yu, Zhi., Gao, X.*(2024). A Network Analysis Perspective on the Relationship Between Boredom, Attention Control, and Problematic Short Video Use Among a Sample of Chinese Young Adults. Int J Ment Health Addiction.
2. Xujia Bai, Yuhong Zhou, Xin Lv, Jiayu Li, Ling Wang, Xuemei Gao*. (2024). Clarifying the relationship between insecure attachment and problematic social media use across platforms: a network analysis. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology. //doi.org/10.1007/s00127-024-02756-5
3. Wanshuang Zhang, Lujia He, Yuzhou Chen, Xuemei Gao*. (2024). The relationship between Big Five personality traits and fear of missing out: A meta-analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 230, 112788
4. Jiayu Li, Yuhong Zhou, Yang L, Zhixiang Y, Xuemei Gao*. (2024). Profiles of fear of missing out and their social media use among young adults: A six-month longitudinal study. Addictive Behaviors, 149.
5. Zijie F, Hongwei W, Yuhong Z, Xuemei Gao*. (2024). Comparisons are Odious? The neural basis of in-group and out-group social comparison among game players: An fMRI study. Behavioural Brain Research, 458, 114735
6. Wang, L., Chen, Y., Li, Z., Zhou, Y., Li, J., Lv, X., Yu, Z., Gao, X.* (2024). The Influences of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social Support on Male Teenagers' Gaming Motivation: A Moderated Network Analysis. Journal of pediatric health care, S0891-5245(24)00028-2.
7. Yuhong Zhou, Xin Lv, Ling Wang, Jiayu Li, Xuemei Gao*. (2023). What increases the risk of gamers being addicted? An integrated network model of personality–emotion–motivation of gaming disorder. Computers in Human Behavior, 141.
8. Jiayu Li, Yuhong Zhou, Xin Lv, Xuechen Leng, Xintong Jiang & Xuemei Gao*. (2023). A network analysis approach to core symptoms and symptom relationships of problematic social media use among young adults. Information, Communication & Society. 1-18. //doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2023.2245870
9. Yuzhou Chen, Xuemei Gao*. (2023). Intentional forgetting in excessive behavior: direct suppression and thought substitution, Addiction Research & Theory, 31:6, 468-475.
10. Jiayu Li, Xiaoli Zhang, Qian Du, Danni Zhan, Xuemei Gao*. (2023). The roles of moral sensitivity and father presence on the relationship between violent video game exposure and aggression among left-behind adolescents. Child & Family Social Work, 1–10.
11. Yuzhou Chen, Lu J, Ling Wang, Xuemei Gao*. (2023). Effective interventions for gaming disorder: A systematic review of randomized control trials. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14:1098922.
12. Jun Gao, Xuemei Gao*.(2023). Research and analysis of potential correlation of telecommunications fraud data based on the big five personality personality traits . Journal of nonlinear and convex analysis. 8:1747-1759
13. Yuhong Zhou, Mengyun Yao, Shuting Fang, Xuemei Gao*. (2022). A dual-process perspective to explore decision making in internet gaming disorder: An ERP study of comparison with recreational game users. Computers in Human Behavior, 128.
14. Jiayu Li, Yuhong Zhou, Xuemei Gao*. (2022). The advantage for action video game players in eye movement behavior during visual search tasks. Current Psychology, 41:8374–8383.
15. Chen Y., Yu H., Gao X* (2022). Influences of Emotional Information on Response Inhibition in Gaming Disorder: Behavioral and ERP Evidence from Go/Nogo Task. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 16264.
16. Jiayu Li, Danni Zhan, Yuhong Zhou, Xuemei Gao*. (2021). Loneliness and problematic mobile phone use among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of escape motivation and self-control. Addictive Behaviors, 118. (高被引论文)
17. Ling Wang, Jialan Li, Yuzhou Chen, Xuemei Chai, Yuman Zhang, Zihan Wang, Hong Tan, Xuemei Gao*. (2021). Gaming Motivation and Negative Psychosocial Outcomes in Male Adolescents: An Individual-Centered 1-Year Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in psychology. 12:743273.
18. Jiayu Li, Qian Du, Xuemei Gao*. (2020). Adolescent Aggression and Violent Video Games: The role of moral disengagement and parental rearing patterns. Children and Youth Services Review, 11 (118):1-8.
19. Mengyun Yao, Yuhong Zhou, Jiayu Li, Xuemei Gao*. (2019). Violent video games exposure and aggression: The role of moral disengagement, anger, hostility and disinhibition in Aggressive Behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 8.
20. Yuhong Zhou, Weixi Zheng, Xuemei Gao*. (2019). The relationship between the big five and cyberbullying among college students: the mediating effect of moral disengagement. Current Psychology. 9: 1-12.
1. 高雪梅. 儿童发展心理学. 高等教育出版社,2024(即将出版)
2. 高雪梅(总主编). 三分钟心理漫画丛书(重庆市“十四五”重点出版项目图书). 西南大学出版社,2023
3. 高雪梅,李红(总主编). 青少年心灵氧吧系列丛书. 西南师范大学出版社,2021
4. 高雪梅,邹锦秀,杜倩. 跟叛逆说再见.西南师范大学出版社,2021
5. 高雪梅,刘芙蕖. 互联网心理学. 西南师范大学出版社,2020
6. 高雪梅,陈贡芳. 互联网交际:我的线上朋友圈. 西南师范大学出版社,2020
7. 高雪梅. 暴力电子游戏与青少年心理(学术专著). 科学出版社,2016