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[3] Lei, S., Guo, Z., Tan, X., Chen, X., Li, C., Zou, J., Cao, S., & Feng, G. * (2021). Cognitive Abilities Predict Safety Performance: A study examining high-speed railway dispatchers. Journal of Advanced Transportation. DOI: //doi.org/10.1155/2020/7153972.
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[6] Guo Feng, Bin Zhou, Wen Zhou*, Michael S. Beauchamp*, & John F. Magnotti. A laboratory study of the McGurk effect in 324 monozygotic and dizygotic twins. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 1029.
[7] Guo Feng, Yuan Zhuang, Fangshu Yao, Yuting Ye, Qiannong Wan, & Wen Zhou*. Development of the Chinese Smell Identification Test. Chemical Sense, 2019, 44: 189-195.
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