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Welcome to the Psychological Counseling Center——the Harbor of the Soul

Hits: Time:2021-11-05 15:07

Every now and then, we may feel depressed, lost, and hurt, but few of us are aware of the need to deal with our negative emotions. One American psychologist said, "We make a fuss about a little physical wound, but we have no idea about the psychological wound. Failure, loneliness, rejection and betrayal will all cause deep psychological wounds. If you refuse to face it squarely, the wound will fester and affect your health."

Usually, if you are a little depressed, anxious or angry, you can make yourself feel better by talking with your friends, making complaints, and doing some exercises.

However, if your situation is getting worse and you are having some physical symptoms, such as headaches, insomnia, panic attacks, chest tightness, etc., it is time for you to seek psychological counseling.

In the process of psychological counseling, the visitor can pour out his or her psychological confusions, conflicts, emotional pains, and behavioral maladjustment. By analyzing the causes, exploring ways and means to solve the problems, the psychological counselor can help the visitor adjust his or her unreasonable cognition, promote his or her personal growth and development so that he or she can better adapt to the surroundings.

Psychological counseling means “helping people to help themselves and grow on their own" instead of solving specific problems for them. It also means leading the visitor to self-awareness, identification and solution of problems. Counseling is not magic. A person's psychological problems will not disappear after only one counseling session. Counseling is not a simple chat. Instead, it means professional listening, understanding, and empathy with the visitor as the main subject.