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The Psychological Research and Counseling Center Held the Talents Cultivation Forum for the Year 2015

Hits: Time:2015-05-26 19:32

In the afternoon of May 9, the Psychological Research and Counseling Center held the talents cultivation forum for the year 2015. The theme of this forum is to implement the main talents cultivation strategy of SWJTU and build a coordinated working system for cultivating the innovative talents of applied psychology. The forum was presided by Madam Zhao Hui. Professor Chen Hua, the deputy director of the Psychological Research and Counseling Center delivered a keynote speech.

During the forum, 5 representatives of teachers and 3 representatives of students addressed different issues of teaching and learning. The teachers exchanged teaching experience, pointed out problems encountered in their teaching practice, and put forward some constructive suggestions for improving the efficiency of teaching and learning. The students expressed their desires and wishes for the reform of teaching and learning of applied psychology. Some students also pointed out the existing problems of teaching, wishing for better learning experience.