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Yanhui Mao

Name:Yanhui Mao

Title:Associate Professor


Email:[email protected]

[Bio]:Dr. MAO Yanhui holds a Ph.D. fromSapienza University of Rome(Italy) and has pursued postdoctoral research atZhejiang University(China). She currently serves as an associate professor and a supervisor for master's studentsatSouthwest Jiaotong University(SWJTU). She is a member of theInternational Positive Psychology Association(IPPA) and theEuropean Flow Research Network(EFRN). Dr. Mao is recognized as a high-leveloverseas talent by Sichuan Province and is selected as an outstanding young talent in philosophy and social sciences under the "Eagle Plan" in Chengdu. She serves as a communication review expert for theNational Natural Science Foundation of Chinaand a reviewer for various international journals, including (but not limited to)Applied Psychology, Frontiers in Public Health, Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Positive Psychology, PLoS ONE,andScientific Reports.

[Teaching]:The courses she has taught in SWJTU at the undergraduate level includeManagerial Communication,Social Psychology,Cognitive Psychology, andPositive Psychology. She also teaches Master's level courses such asAcademic Writing for PsychologyandFrontiers in Psychological Research. During the last 5 years, she has supervised and co-supervised over 10 SWJTU-ers, many of these students have pursued higher-level educational degrees at domestic and international universities. Notably, some of them have enrolled in prestigious universities such asBeijing Jiaotong University,Nanjing University,Washington University(USA),University College London(UK), andSapienza University of Rome(Italy).

[Research]:Her research interests are mainly inPositive Psychology,Environmental Psychology, andManagerial Psychology. Her study delves into a range of topics such as flow experience, organizational identity, leadership, employee resilience, psych capital, perceived residential environmental quality indicators, corporate environmental responsibility, and well-being. She has received research funds from various sources, including theNational Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC, Nos. 72271205, 71801180), theMinistry of Science and Technologyof PRC (Grant No. G2021166008L), theFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No., A1420502051705-1), and theMental Health Education Research Center of Sichuan Province(Grant No., XLJKJY2002B). In addition, she has collaborated withdomestic scholars and international researchers from the U.S., Italy, Sweden, and Greece on various national and international research projects.

[Service]:Appointed as the first batch of the International Cooperation and Exchange (Overseas Talent Introduction) Commissioners at SWJTU, the university will be delighted towelcome overseas scholars interested in working at SWJTU (part-time or full-time)to contact (i.e., Dr. Mao) at[email protected].“Nine days open a Chengdu, thousands of households and doors form a picturesque scene!" Chengdu, with its captivating beauty, vibrant lifestyle, international atmosphere, and strong sense of community, is like a city painted beneath a snow-covered mountain and filled with joy and celebration. Welcome you to SWJTU and Chengdu!

Recent research(*corresponding author):

Mao, Y*., Chen, J., Guo, S., Xie, M., Ma, J., Kong, F*. (2023).The daily reciprocal relationship between authentic leadership and employee resilience in human resource management: Evidence from construction engineering project employees in China.Human Resource Management Journal. Under review (SSCI-Q1, ABS-4*)

Liu, T., Lu, S., Ma, J., &Mao, Y*. (2023). Go put your strengths to enjoy work: A diary study on the relationship between strengths use and innovative behavior.Journal of Happiness Studies.Accept with MR. (SSCI-Q1, ABS-1)

Mao, Y.,Chen, J., Liu, X., Dang, J*., & Schiöth, H. (2023). Social support predicted subsequent subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective study.BMC Public Health.MR (SSCI-Q2)

Liu, T.,Mao, Y, & Lu, S*. (2023). How and when instrumental helping works? Understanding the help-giver’s individual innovation from the social network perspective.Creativity & Innovation Management.(MR)(SSCI-Q3, ABS-2)

Mao, Y., Guo, S.,Xie, M., Yu, J., Deng, X., Li, Y., Zhai, Y., Kong, F*.(2023). Devote yourself to enjoy work: A diary study on flow experience and employees’ organizational identification.Journal of Managerial Psychology,doi: 10.1108/JMP-07-2022-0355 (SSCI-Q2, ABS-3)

Mao, Y., Kang, X., Lai, Y., Yu, J., Deng, X., Zhai, Y., Kong, F*., Ma, J., & Bonaiuto, F. (2023). Authentic leadership and employee resilience during the COVID-19: The role of flow, organizational identification, and trust.Current Psychology, doi:10.1007/s12144-022-04148-x (SSCI-Q2, ABS-1)

Liu, T.,Mao, Y, & Lu, S*. (2023). Fostering participants’ collaborative innovation performance in megaprojects: The effects of perceived partners’ non-mediated power.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002417 (SCI-Q1, ABS-2)

Xie, M.,Mao, Y, & Yang, R*. (2022). Flow experience and city identity in the restorative environment: A conceptual model and nature-based intervention.Frontiers in Public Health,doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.1011890 (SSCI-Q1)

Peng, C., Liang, Y., Yuan, G., Xie, M.,Mao, Y*., Harmat, L., Bonaiuto, F. (2022). How servant leadership predicts employee resilience in public organizations: A social identity perspective.Current Psychology, doi:10.1007/s12144-022-04138-z (SSCI-Q2, ABS-1)

Mao, Y., Xie, M., Li, M., Gu, C., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., & Peng, C*. (2022). Promoting academic self-efficacy, positive relationships and psychological resilience for Chinese university students’ life satisfaction.Educational Psychology, doi:10.1080/01443410.2022.2138830 (SSCI-Q2)

Mao, Y*., Luo, X*., Guo, S., Xie, M., Zhou, J., Huang, R., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Validation of the abbreviated indicators of perceived residential environment quality and neighborhood attachment in China.Frontiers in Public Health, doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.925651 (SSCI-Q1)

Mao, Y., Peng, C*., Liang, Y., Yuan, G., Ma, J., Bonaiuto, M. (2022). Perceived residential environment quality, flow, and social capital on urbanities’ community identity during COVID-19 residential confinement.Social Indicators Research, doi:10.1007/s11205-022-02915-8 (SSCI-Q1)

Wu, J., Xie, M., Lai, Y.,Mao, Y*., Harmat, L. (2021). Flow as a key predictor of subjective well-being among Chinese university students: A chain mediating model.Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.743906 (SSCI-Q1, ABS-1)

Yang, S.,Mao, Y*., Liu, T., Baldner, C., Roberts, S., & Lu, S*. (2021).Achieve ambidextrous learning in construction engineering project partnerships: The roles of formal control and Chinese guanxi.Asian Business &Management, doi:10.1057/s41291-021-00173-z (SSCI-Q3, ABS-2)

Cui, P.,Mao, Y*., Shen, Y., & Ma, J*. (2021). Moral Identity and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Identity Commitment Quality.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18). doi:10.3390/ijerph18189795 (SSCI-Q1)

Pagliaro, S., Sacchi, S., Pacilli, M.G., Brambilla, M., Lionetti, F., …Mao, Y., …Bettache, K., et al. (2021). Trust predicts COVID-19 prescribed and discretionary behavioral intentions in 23 countries.PLoS ONE16(3): e0248334. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248334 (Essential Science Indicators(ESI) Top 1% Highly cited paper)(SSCI-Q2)

Bonaiuto, M.,Mao, Y*., Roberts, S., Psalti, A., Ariccio, S., Ganucci Cancellieri, U.,Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2016). Optimal experience and personal growth: Flow and the consolidation of place identity.Frontiers in Psychology,doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01654(SSCI-Q1, ABS-1)

Mao, Y., Roberts, S., Pagliaro, S.,Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Bonaiuto, M*. (2016). Optimal experience and optimal identity: A multinational study of the associations between flow and social identity.Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00067 (SSCI-Q1, ABS-1)

Peng, W., Babiloni, C.,Mao, Y., & Hu, Y*. (2015). Subjective pain perception mediated by alpha rhythms.Biological Psychology,doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.05.004(SSCI-Q2)

Mao, Y., Fornara, F., Manca, S., Bonnes, M., & Bonaiuto, M*. (2015). Perceived residential environment quality indicators and neighbourhood attachment: A confirmation study on a Chinese sample in Chongqing.PsyCh Journal, doi: 10.1002/pchj.90(SSCI-Q3)

Peng, W., Hu, Y.,Mao, Y., & Babiloni, C*. (2015). Widespread cortical α-ERD companying visual oddball target stimuli is frequency but non-modality specific.Behavioural Brain Research, doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.04.051 (SSCI-Q2)

Bonaiuto, M*., Fornara, F., Alves, S., Ferreira, I.,Mao, Y., Moffat, E., Piccinin, G., & Rahimi, L. (2015). Urban environment and well-being: Cross-cultural studies on perceived residential environment quality indicators (PREQIs).Cognitive Processing, doi: 10.1007/s10339-015-0691-z (SSCI-Q4)

Mao, Y*., Roberts, S., Bonaiuto, M.(2016). Optimal experience and optimal identity: A multinational examination at the personal identity level. In L. Harmat, F. Andersen, F. Ullén, & J. Wright (Ed.),Flow Experience: Empirical Research and Applications. Springer, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-28632-7

International congress/conference:

[1]Mao, Y. (2022). The Application of Flow for Human Flourishing and Well-being. Oral presentation at the 10th Cross-Cultural Research, Collaboration and Exchange Program, Hangzhou, China. July 1-3.

[2]Kang, X.,Mao, Y*., &Bonaiuto, M. (2021). Flow, organizational identification and place identity in the university environment: A positive environmental psychology perspective. Oral presentation at the 10th EFRN Conference (online virtual conference), Lübeck, Germany. Nov 26-27.

[3]Mao, Y. (2019). Psychophysiological Flow and Identity Experience. Oral presentation at the 6th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Well-being (6th CPPWb), Kunming, China, June 1-3.

[4]Mao, Y.(2015). Do What You Love to Do: The Shaping of Optimal Identity from Optimal Experience. Oral presentation at the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP14). Milan, Italy. July 7-10.

[5]Mao, Y.,Csikszentmihalyi, M., Roberts, S., &Bonaiuto, M. (2015). Optimal Experience and Personal Growth: flow and the development of social identity. Poster presentation at the 4th World Congress on Positive Psychology (WCPP4). Florida, U.S. June 25-28.

[6]Mao, Y.,Csikszentmihalyi, M., Roberts, S., &Bonaiuto,M.(2014). Optimal Experience and Personal Growth: flow and the development of identity. Poster presentation at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP7). Amsterdam, Netherlands. July 1-4.

[7]Bonaiuto, M.,Csikszentmihalyi, M., &Mao, Y.(2014). You are what you do: Flow experience and identity definition. Symposium for the 10th European Spring Conference on Social Psychology (ESCSP10). St. Moritz, Switzerland. March 16-23.

[8]Bonaiuto, M., Fornara, F.,Bonnes, M., Alves, S., Johansson, M., &Mao, Y.(2014). Perceived qualities of urban neighborhoods that promote inhabitants’ walking. Symposium for the 28th International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP28): Creating Environments that Support Healthy Physical Activity. Paris, France. July 8-13.