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Fang jun (1904.10.26-1998.5.5), the founder of China geodetic and geophysicist, China geodetic and geophysicist, and the pioneer of solidification study.

In 1923, he graduated from tangshan jiaotong university, joined the communist party of China in April 1957 and was elected academician of the Chinese academy of sciences in 1980.In 1975, a book by him, ?gravity measurement and the shape of the earth?, had long been the only one in China. In 1980s, he had engaged in the research of solid earth tide, and complete the book ?solid tide?, which made our country of geodesy, astronomy and geophysical studies make great progress.

Fang Jun focuses on map projection and the study of the earth""s gravity, published many academic papers, surveying and mapping technology magazine editor in chief of the China""s earliest a "measure", in the shape of the earth science, he put forward scientifically the average abnormal and improvement of the grid template method, and is called "Fang Jun template"; He took the lead in developing geograviology to contribute to national economy and national defense construction.

In honor of his 110th birthday, a statue for him is located at southwest jiaotong university. The old gentleman in the statue tighten his eyebrows and stare into the distance,which is kind and plain. Looking the statue, we seem to see the old gentleman.

Now, we deeply cherish the memory of him, not only because of his superd academic attainments, but also because of his quality to learn. He left a precious spiritual wealth deep into the southwest jiaotong university.



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